Are you an executive, seeking Therapy/Life Coaching but, can’t find time on your calendar to leave the office, and attend appointments on a consistent basis?
Are you a new Mom, or a stay-at-home Mom/Dad, in need of someone to talk to- but, feel overwhelmed by the thought of attending appointments with your baby/toddler in tow?
Are you a senior, searching for a connection that offers words of inspiration & motivation- but, feel burdened by the thought of heading out in inclement weather?
Are you an individual who simply wants any/all of the above- but, craves convenient options in the midst of an, otherwise, hectic and fast-paced life?
If you’ve answered “yes,” to any of the above, I’d like to invite you to “Therapy-n-More.” As a licensed Psychologist, who has been in clinical practice 20+ years, my decision to merge the fields of therapy/life coaching/motivational empowerment/mindfulness training- with the advances of technology- was inspired by the need to make services convenient and accessible for all individuals. As such, sessions are conducted via FaceTime, Skype and WhatsApp- on days, and at times, that work for you.